Chuchok gold foil mini Phayant

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  • Regular price $18.50

Year: BE2560/2017

Master: LP Sompong (Famous Chuchok Master)

Temple: Wat Mai Pin Keaw / Nakhom Pathom Province

In the olden days, the story of Chuchok tells us that he was a man of utmost devotion to his wife, willing to go through any hardships for her. Unfortunately, things did not progress well for him and he ended up being a beggar. The locals saw his devotion and gave him a helping hand by sending him donations. From then on, he rose to fame in Thailand for the ordeal he went through for his wife. Now, many successful businessmen carry an amulet of him and offer him prayers for continuous success.

Purpose of Wearing:

- Wealth fetching qualities for the wearer.

- Enhances business opportunities.

Dimensions: 3.8cm by 3.8cm

Weight: 0.1g

Best location: To be placed in the wallet for wealth fetching purposes.